Toxic or Safe? What’s Hiding in Your Cleaning Products?
Are you using toxic cleaning products without knowing it? Cleaning and laundry products are essential for maintaining hygiene, but many conventional formulas introduce hidden risks. Chemicals such as synthetic surfactants, artificial fragrances, and optical...
Are Anti-Bacterial Cleaners Harming Your Health?
Are Anti-Bacterial Cleaners Harming Your Health? Understanding Their Impact on Your Home Microbiome. As awareness of health and sustainability grows, many people are rethinking their household cleaning habits. While anti-bacterial cleaners promise a germ-free home,...
The Hidden Dangers of Artificial Fragrances in Household Products
Artificial fragrances are pervasive in modern consumer products, from personal care items to household cleaners. While they can enhance sensory experiences, research indicates that these synthetic scents can pose significant health risks. Understanding these risks...
Pet safe cleaning: Keeping your pets safe around cleaning products
Do you have pets? Many people do. Greenscents is located in rural Somerset and all of us have dogs and cats and can’t imagine life without them. Our four-legged furry friends are cherished family members. In the UK there are 13.5 million dogs and 36% of households...
Breast cancer and hormone health: The hidden dangers of cleaning products
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Across the world people dress in pink to raise money for breast cancer charities and remember everyone who has suffered from this cancer which is the most common in the UK. October 18th is World Menopause Day and aims to...
Do we really need a Fruit & Veg Wash?
Do we really need fruit & veg wash? Here at Greenscents we want to help you achieve a simpler, healthier life. Most of our products can multi-task and we believe strongly that this is the best for the planet – a proliferation of unnecessary household products...
Swap to organic cleaning – it makes a big difference!
Organic September is a great time to celebrate our wellbeing, and certified organic cleaning is central to maintaining our health naturally. Made of organic & natural ingredients, certified organic products are non-toxic and better for our health & the health...
Take toxins out of your life
Green cleaning is a crowded marketplace. Many brands are struggling to project their USP’s (Unique Selling Points) and this is largely because so many products are similar. Most brands outsource manufacturing to contract facilities where the same ingredients are...
Tinyscents – a fabulous new fragrance with children in mind
We are excited to announce the launch of our Tinyscents Collection, a new range for everyone with children in mind. Tinyscents is a super fruity blend of organic essential oils that is anti-bacterial and perfect for cleaning around babies over 6 months and small...
The most sustainable cloths to use when cleaning your home
What are the best cloths to use when cleaning your home? Dishcloths and tea towels come in all designs and materials. How do we choose a healthy and sustainable option? Can we avoid microplastics and find beautiful cloths that do not cost the earth? Cleaning up in the...